At Itaca, inkjet decoration on polymers is constantly evolving. We are at the forefront, developing inks that are more environmentally friendly and improving printing precision to achieve finer details.

Inkjet decoration on polymers offers nearly unlimited customization, from exclusive patterns to bespoke prints for each customer. Inkjet prints on polymers stand out for their durability, being resistant to abrasion, light, and other environmental factors.

Our inkjet decoration technique on polymers begins with the meticulous preparation of the surface by applying our primers, ensuring optimal ink adhesion and exceptional durability of the printed design.

We use our high-quality inks for decoration, achieving detailed prints and vibrant colors. After decoration, we apply our coatings to make the design resistant to abrasion and other environmental elements that could damage it.

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We research to provide you with the most advanced digital solutions.


Experts in providing an optimal surface for each digital print, ensuring high-quality results.

Digital Inks

With cutting-edge technology, we produce vibrant digital inks in Europe for all printing systems..

Digital Inks

The greatest protection for all your surfaces, guaranteeing unparalleled durability and finish.



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